The Datafile PD-CD 1 Issue 2
PDCD-1 - Issue 02.iso
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Text File
576 lines
| Arcland system file
| Last modified - 07.11.91
priority 4 pitch 7000 voice Help!
address 2:292/500.21510
fake_addr 2:29000/21510
system `Arcland after Dark`
sysop `Carl Declerck`
origin `Arcland after Dark, Belgium. !RiscBBS development`
inbound <RiscBBS$Dir>.Inbound
outbound <RiscBBS$Dir>.Outbound
defbase 0 50 0 <RiscBBS$Dir>.Base0 `File Base`
defbase 1 10 1 <RiscBBS$Dir>.Base1 `Message Base`
defarea 0 1 500 10 10 `` `Private Messages` 3 LOCAL
defarea 1 1 10 10 10 `` `Messages to and from the Sysop` 3 LOCAL
defarea 2 1 10 10 10 `` `Netmail` 4 NET
defarea 3 1 10 10 10 `` `Cormoran syspoint` 4 ECHO SYSPOINT 2:292/500
defarea 4 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian points` 3 ECHO POINTS.B 2:292/500
defarea 5 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian modeming` 3 ECHO MODEM.B 2:292/500
defarea 6 1 10 10 10 `` `General talk` 3 ECHO ALGEMEEN.B 2:292/500
defarea 7 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian sound-corner` 3 ECHO SOUND_CORNER.B 2:292/500
defarea 8 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian multitasking` 3 ECHO MULTITAS.B 2:292/500
defarea 9 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian gaming` 3 ECHO AVONTUUR.B 2:292/500
defarea 10 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian public-domain` 3 ECHO P-DOMAIN.B 2:292/500
defarea 11 1 10 10 10 `` `Belgian Windows talk` 3 ECHO WINDOWS.B 2:292/500
defarea 12 1 10 10 10 `` `Dutch questions #1` 3 ECHO VRAGEN.512 2:292/500
defarea 13 1 10 10 10 `` `Dutch questions #2` 3 ECHO VRAGEN.028 2:292/500
defarea 14 1 10 10 10 `` `German Archimedes talk` 7 ECHO ARCHIMEDES.GER 2:292/500
defarea 15 1 10 10 10 `` `Intl. Archimedes talk` 7 ECHO ARCHIMEDES 2:292/500
defarea 16 1 10 10 10 `` `Intl. C talk` 0 ECHO C_ECHO_ 2:292/500
defarea 0 0 10 10 10 `` `General Files` 0 LOCAL
defarea 1 0 10 10 10 `` `Graphics Files` 0 LOCAL
defarea 2 0 10 10 10 `` `Desktop Miscellaneous` 0 LOCAL
defarea 3 0 10 10 10 `` `Applications` 0 LOCAL
defarea 4 0 10 10 10 `` `Demos` 0 LOCAL
defarea 5 0 10 10 10 `` `Language Files` 0 LOCAL
defarea 6 0 10 10 10 `` `Soundtrackers` 0 LOCAL
defarea 7 0 10 10 10 `` `Communications` 0 LOCAL
defarea 8 0 10 10 10 `` `Games` 0 LOCAL
{defmenu 0 #echo 0 ^report `Main menu`}
{option W= `Welcome` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Welcome`}
{option G= `Goodbye` 0 `menu 9`}
{option B= `Bulletin` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Bulletin`}
{option A= `About BBS` 10 `menu 2`}
{option Q= `Questionnaire/enquete` 10 `menu 5`}
{option L= `Latest News` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.LatestNews`}
{option Y= `Yell` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.YellSysop`}
{option S= `System Info` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.SystemInfo`}
{option O= `Online Leisure` 10 `menu 3`}
{option P= `Personalia` 10 `menu 1`}
{option T= `Utilities` 10 `menu 4`}
{option U= `Userlist/search` 10 `u_list`}
{option M= `Message Base` 10 `base 1`}
{option F= `File Base` 10 `base 0`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- Arcland Main Menu -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online} {attr 4 3 cll} System load: {fg 6 _tasks fg 3} tasks {fg 1 &ifkey S &else ~goto +nosysop}SYSOP{~label nosysop attr 0 7}
[{fg 1}M{fg 7}]essage base [{fg 1}F{fg 7}]ile base
[{fg 1}W{fg 7}]elcome screen [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ulletin board
[{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bout RiscBBS & Arcland [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]ersonal accounts
[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]atest news in Arcland [{fg 1}Y{fg 7}]ell at Sysop
[{fg 1}O{fg 7}]nline animations & games [{fg 1}Q{fg 7}]uestionnaire / enquete
[{fg 1}S{fg 7}]ystem info [{fg 1}T{fg 7}]ools / utilities
[{fg 1}U{fg 7}]serlist / search [{fg 1}G{fg 7}]oodbye (Logoff)
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 1 #echo 0 ^report `Personal configurations`}
{option A= `ANSI toggle` 10 `u_ansi`}
{option P= `Prompts toggle` 10 `u_more`}
{option L= `Lines` 10 `u_lines`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `menu 0`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- Personal Accounts -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
{fg 6}Username : {fg 3 _user}
{fg 6}Userlevel : {fg 3 @eval 0 LEVEL @print 0}
{fg 6}Downloaded : {fg 3 @eval 0 `DOWNL/1024` @print 0 fg 1} Kb
{fg 6}Uploaded : {fg 3 @eval 0 `UPL/1024` @print 0 fg 1} Kb
{fg 6}Ratio allowed : {fg 3 @eval 0 RA_D @eval 1 RA_U @print 0 @send : @print 1}
{fg 6}Free for download : {fg 3 @eval 0 `(UPL*RA_D-DOWNL*RA_U)/1024` @print 0 fg 1} Kb
{fg 6}Time left this call : {fg 3 @eval 0 `REMAIN/60` @print 0 fg 1} minutes{fg 7}
[{fg 1}A{fg 7}]NSI graphics toggle [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]rompts (More?) toggle
[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ines per screen
[{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 2 #echo 0 ^report `About... menu`}
{option R= `About RiscBBS` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.About`}
{option A= `About Arcland` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Arcland`}
{option G= `Guide` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Guide`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `menu 0`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- About RiscBBS & Arcland -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}R{fg 7}]iscBBS system info [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bout Arcland BBS
[{fg 1}G{fg 7}]uide to Arcland BBS [{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 3 #echo 0 ^report `Animations & games menu`}
{option 1= `Bambi` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.Bambi`}
{option 2= `Fireworks` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.Fireworks`}
{option 3= `StarTrek` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.StarTrek`}
{option 4= `Opus` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.Opus`}
{option 5= `The Dead` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.TheDead`}
{option 6= `Weights` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.AnsiSize`}
{option 7= `Fish Animation` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.FishAnim`}
{option B= `Breakout` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.Breakout`}
{option T= `Tetris` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.ANSI.Tetris`}
{option D= `Today's dates` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Today`}
{option G= `Guess a number` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Guess`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `menu 0`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- ANSI Animations & Games -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}1{fg 7}]Bambi goes walking [{fg 1}2{fg 7}]Fireworks galore
[{fg 1}3{fg 7}]StarTrek in space [{fg 1}4{fg 7}]Opus multicolour
[{fg 1}5{fg 7}]The dead [{fg 1}6{fg 7}]Weight lifting
[{fg 1}7{fg 7}]Fish Animation
[{fg 1}B{fg 7}]reak-Out [{fg 1}T{fg 7}]etris
[{fg 1}G{fg 7}]uess a number
[{fg 1}D{fg 7}]ates and Birthdays etc. [{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 4 #echo 0 ^report `Utilities menu`}
{option C= `CPU monitor` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.CPUmonitor`}
{option S= `Supervisor mode` 20 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.SVmode`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `menu 0`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- System Utilities -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}C{fg 7}]PU monitor [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]upervisor mode
[{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 5 #echo 0 ^report `Questionnaire menu`}
{option Q= `Questionnaire` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Questions`}
{option E= `Enquete` 10 `show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Enquete`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `menu 0`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- Questionnaire / Enquete -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}Q{fg 7}]uestionnaire (Higher level!) [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nquete (Not mandatory)
[{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 9 #echo 0 ^report `Logoff menu`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `menu 0`}
{option L= `Logoff` 0 `logoff`}
{option W= `Write to sysop` 10 `m_enter B1 A1 S |logoff`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- Logoff Menu -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ogoff [{fg 1}W{fg 7}]rite to Sysop
[{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 10 #echo 0 ^report `Messages main menu`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `base -1`}
{option C= `Change area` 10 `a_change <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.MsgAreas`}
{&if AREA<>1 option E= `Enter message` 10 `m_enter` &else option E= `Enter message` 10 `m_enter S`}
{option B= `Browse` 10 `menu 16`}
{option R= `Read mail` 10 `a_reset A0 B |menu 12 |m_read 1 A0 U`}
{option S= `Send mail` 10 `m_enter A0 P`}
{option P= `Personal scan` 10 `menu 18`}
{option Z= `Zip messages` 10 `menu 19`}
{option N= `New personal mail` 10 `a_reset A0 B G |menu 21 |m_read 1 G N U`}
{option W= `Write to sysop` 10 `m_enter A1 S`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- {_base} : {_area} -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}C{fg 7}]hange area [{fg 1}Z{fg 7}]ip through new messages
[{fg 1}B{fg 7}]rowse through messages [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]ead private mail
[{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nter message [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]end private mail
[{fg 1}P{fg 7}]ersonal message scan [{fg 1}W{fg 7}]rite to Sysop
[{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ew personal mail scan [{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 11 #echo 0 ^report `Browsing messages` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0`}
{option S= `Start of area` 10 `m_read 1 RB`}
{option E= `End of area` 10 `m_read -1 RE`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 I`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Browse msgs: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]tart of area [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nd of area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 12 #echo 0 ^report `Reading private mail` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 A0 U`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 A0 U`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 A0 U`}
{option S= `Start of area` 10 `m_read 1 A0 RB U`}
{option E= `End of area` 10 `m_read -1 A0 RE U`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 A0 I`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R A0 P`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Private mail: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]tart of area [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nd of area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 13 #echo 0 ^report `Local scan for mail` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 U`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 U`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 U`}
{option S= `Start of area` 10 `m_read 1 U RB`}
{option E= `End of area` 10 `m_read -1 U RE`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 U I`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Local scan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]tart of area [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nd of area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 14 #echo 0 ^report `Message newscan` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 N`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 N`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 N`}
{option S= `Start of area` 10 `m_read 1 N RB`}
{option E= `End of area` 10 `m_read -1 N RE`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 N I`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]tart of area [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nd of area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 15 #echo 0 ^report `Global scan for mail` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 G U`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 G U`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 G U`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `m_read 1 G RP U`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `m_read 1 G RN U`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 G I U`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Global scan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 16 #echo 0 ^report `Browse msgs` errmenu 10}
{option L= `Locally` 10 `a_reset B |menu 11 |m_read 1`}
{option G= `Globally` 10 `a_reset A0 B G |menu 17 |m_read 1 G`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option ñ 10 'nil'}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Browse msgs: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ocally [{fg 1}G{fg 7}]lobally [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 17 #echo 0 ^report `Global browse msgs` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 G`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 G`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 G`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `m_read 1 G RP`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `m_read 1 G RN`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 G I`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Browse Msgs: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 18 #echo 0 ^report `Scan for mail` errmenu 10}
{option L= `Locally` 10 `a_reset B |menu 13 |m_read 1 U`}
{option G= `Globally` 10 `a_reset A0 B G |menu 15 |m_read 1 G U`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option ñ 10 'nil'}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Scan mail: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ocally [{fg 1}G{fg 7}]lobally [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 19 #echo 0 ^report `Message newscan` errmenu 10}
{option L= `Locally` 10 `a_reset B |menu 14 |m_read 1 N`}
{option G= `Globally` 10 `a_reset A0 B G |menu 20 |m_read 1 G N`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option ñ 10 'nil'}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ocally [{fg 1}G{fg 7}]lobally [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 20 #echo 0 ^report `Global newscan` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 G N`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 G N`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 G N`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `m_read 1 G RP N`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `m_read 1 G RN N`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 G I N`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Glob newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 21 #echo 0 ^report `Personal newscan` errmenu 10}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 G N U`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 G N U`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 G N U`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `m_read 1 G RP N U`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `m_read 1 G RN N U`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 G I N U`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 10`}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Pers newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 50 #echo 0 ^report `Main file menu`}
{option M= `Main Menu` 10 `base -1`}
{option C= `Change area` 10 `a_change <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.FileAreas`}
{option U= `Upload file(s)` 10 `menu 51`}
{option D= `Download file(s)` 10 `menu 52`}
{option V= `View archive` 10 `menu 64`}
{option L= `List files` 10 `menu 62`}
{option Z= `Zip new files` 10 `menu 60`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- {_base} : {_area} -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}C{fg 7}]hange Area [{fg 1}Z{fg 7}]ip through new files
[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ist files
[{fg 1}D{fg 7}]ownload file(s) [{fg 1}U{fg 7}]pload file(s)
[{fg 1}V{fg 7}]iew archive contents [{fg 1}M{fg 7}]ain Menu
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 51 #echo 0 ^report `Uploading` errmenu 50}
{option Q= `Quit upload` 10 `menu 50`}
{option X= `Xmodem` 10 `f_receive X C`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- Upload Transfer Protocols -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}X{fg 7}]modem (smart)
[{fg 1}Q{fg 7}]uit upload
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 52 #echo 0 ^report `Downloading` errmenu 50}
{option Q= `Quit download` 10 `menu 50`}
{option X= `Xmodem` 10 `f_send X 1 #`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 7}
{attr 4 3} -- Download Transfer Protocols -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll bg 0}
[{fg 1}X{fg 7}]modem (smart)
[{fg 1}Q{fg 7}]uit download
{show <RiscBBS$Dir>.BBS.Select enddef}
{defmenu 53 #echo 0 ^report `Downloading`}
{option Q= `Quit` 10 `menu -1`}
{option X= `Xmodem` 10 `f_send X 1 |menu -1`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Protocol: {fg 7}[{fg 1}X{fg 7}]modem {fg 7}[{fg 1}Q{fg 7}]uit :{fg 1} {enddef}
{defmenu 54 #echo 0 ^report `Browsing files` errmenu 50}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `f_list 1 L`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `f_list -1 L`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `f_list 0 L`}
{option D= `Download` 10 `retmenu 54 |menu 53`}
{option K= `Kill file` 10 `f_kill`}
{option V= `View archive` 10 `retmenu 54 |menu 58`}
{option T= `Type file` 10 `f_type`}
{option S= `Start of area` 10 `f_list 1 RB L`}
{option E= `End of area` 10 `f_list -1 RE L`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `f_list 0 I L`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Filelist: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}V{fg 7}]iew [{fg 1}T{fg 7}]ype [{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill
{fg 7}[{fg 1}D{fg 7}]ownload [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]tart of area [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nd of area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 55 #echo 0 ^report `Files local newscan` errmenu 50}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `f_list 1 L N`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `f_list -1 L N`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `f_list 0 L N`}
{option D= `Download` 10 `retmenu 55 |menu 53`}
{option K= `Kill file` 10 `f_kill`}
{option V= `View archive` 10 `retmenu 55 |menu 58`}
{option T= `Type file` 10 `f_type`}
{option S= `Start of area` 10 `f_list 1 RB L N`}
{option E= `End of area` 10 `f_list -1 RE L N`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `f_list 0 I L N`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}V{fg 7}]iew [{fg 1}T{fg 7}]ype [{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill
{fg 7}[{fg 1}D{fg 7}]ownload [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]tart of area [{fg 1}E{fg 7}]nd of area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 56 #echo 0 ^report `Filelist` errmenu 50}
{option L= `Long filelist` 10 `a_reset B |menu 54 |f_list 1 L`}
{option S= `Short filelist` 10 `f_list -1 RE S`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Filelist: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ong [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]hort [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 57 #echo 0 ^report `Files newscan` errmenu 50}
{option L= `Long newscan` 10 `menu 55 |f_list 1 L N`}
{option S= `Short newscan` 10 `f_list -1 RE S N`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ong [{fg 1}S{fg 7}]hort [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 58 #echo 0 ^report `View archive`}
{option R= `Root only` 10 `f_view |menu -1`}
{option F= `Full recursion` 10 `f_view R |menu -1`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu -1`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
View archive: {fg 7}[{fg 1}R{fg 7}]oot only [{fg 1}F{fg 7}]ully recursive [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 60 #echo 0 ^report `Files newscan` errmenu 50}
{option L= `Locally` 10 `a_reset B |menu 57`}
{option G= `Globally` 10 `a_reset A0 B G |menu 61 |f_list 1 G N L`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option ñ 10 'nil'}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ocally [{fg 1}G{fg 7}]lobally [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 61 #echo 0 ^report `Files global newscan` errmenu 50}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `f_list 1 G N L`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `f_list -1 G N L`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `f_list 0 G N L`}
{option D= `Download` 10 `retmenu 61 |menu 53`}
{option K= `Kill file` 10 `f_kill`}
{option V= `View archive` 10 `retmenu 61 |menu 58`}
{option T= `Type file` 10 `f_type`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `f_list 1 G RP N L`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `f_list 1 G RN N L`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `f_list 0 G I N L`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}V{fg 7}]iew [{fg 1}T{fg 7}]ype [{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill
{fg 7}[{fg 1}D{fg 7}]ownload [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 62 #echo 0 ^report `Files list` errmenu 50}
{option L= `Locally` 10 `a_reset B |menu 56`}
{option G= `Globally` 10 `a_reset A0 B G |menu 63 |f_list 1 G L`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option ñ 10 'nil'}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Filelist: {fg 7}[{fg 1}L{fg 7}]ocally [{fg 1}G{fg 7}]lobally [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 63 #echo 0 ^report `Files global list` errmenu 50}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `f_list 1 G L`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `f_list -1 G L`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `f_list 0 G L`}
{option D= `Download` 10 `retmenu 63 |menu 53`}
{option K= `Kill file` 10 `f_kill`}
{option V= `View archive` 10 `retmenu 63 |menu 58`}
{option T= `Type file` 10 `f_type`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `f_list 1 G RP L`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `f_list 1 G RN L`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `f_list 0 G I L`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Filelist: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}V{fg 7}]iew [{fg 1}T{fg 7}]ype [{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill
{fg 7}[{fg 1}D{fg 7}]ownload [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 64 #echo 0 ^report `View archive`}
{option R= `Root only` 10 `f_view #|menu 50`}
{option F= `Full recursion` 10 `f_view R # |menu 50`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `menu 50`}
{option ñ 10 `nil`}
{option != `System Base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
View archive: {fg 7}[{fg 1}R{fg 7}]oot only [{fg 1}F{fg 7}]ully recursive [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}
{defmenu 80 #echo 0 ^report `Login mailscan` errmenu 0}
{option Y= `Yes` 0 `base 1 |a_reset A0 B G |menu 81 |m_read 1 G N U`}
{option N= `No` 0 `base -1`}
{option ñ= `Yes` 0 `base 1 |a_reset A0 B G |menu 81 |m_read 1 G N U`}
{#echo 1 bg 0}
{attr 4 3} -- Arcland Mail-Check -- {attr 0 2} {_time} / {_online fg 7} {bg 4 cll attr 0 3}
Do you wish me to scan for new mail to you? [Y/n] : {fg 7 enddef}
{defmenu 81 #echo 0 errmenu 0}
{option F= `Forward` 10 `m_read 1 G N U`}
{option B= `Backward` 10 `m_read -1 G N U`}
{option C= `Current` 10 `m_read 0 G N U`}
{option P= `Previous area` 10 `m_read 1 G RP N U`}
{option N= `Next area` 10 `m_read 1 G RN N U`}
{option ñ= `Next` 10 `m_read 0 G I N U`}
{option R= `Reply` 10 `m_enter R`}
{option K= `Kill` 10 `m_kill`}
{option A= `Abort` 10 `base -1`}
{option != `System base` 0 `base -1`}
{#echo 1 attr 0 6}
Pers newscan: {fg 7}[{fg 1}F{fg 7}]orward [{fg 1}B{fg 7}]ackward [{fg 1}C{fg 7}]urrent [{fg 1}R{fg 7}]eply
{fg 7}[{fg 1}K{fg 7}]ill [{fg 1}P{fg 7}]revious area [{fg 1}N{fg 7}]ext area [{fg 1}A{fg 7}]bort : {fg 1 enddef}